Getting established in NYC
Many people think of New York City and specifically Manhattan as a bustling, noisy, busy, scary, crowded place full of pushy people and expensive apartments and have no desire to live there. I have a completely different experience. This northern part of the island - Washington Heights and Inwood - is especially quiet and peaceful. Four wonderful parks are up here including The Cloisters at Ft. Tryon Park, Inwood Hill Park, Isham Park and yet to be explored by me, Highbridge Park.
And the weekends! The sidewalks are filled with laughter and music and folks selling stuff in a flea market atmosphere and strawberries. The aromas from street vendors is intoxicating. Card tables are set up for board games and conversation. What to do on Saturday night? Go to the discount stores with the families and join the kids sitting in aisles reading books and the adults reading each other the Valentine’s Day cards. Again laughter and conversation fill the air.
There is a Caribbean flavor to the neighborhood, Dominican, Haitian, Cuban. Young men hang around waiting to deliver food orders on their motor scooters. Some people have warned me to avoid certain areas, certain streets, certain people behaving certain ways, fearing for my safety. But they forget - it’s me! People are absolutely lovely to me everywhere I go. This was my experience traveling, this is my experience in New York City. Young men get up off the stairs and open doors for me. They hold subway doors for me. They carry my bags up steps. They make sure I don’t slip on the ice. People I have not met and who ask nothing from me, not even conversation, pay for my drinks at restaurants. I live a charmed life. I am charmed by it and I smile. My theory is that it’s the joy expressed in my smile that people respond to, but I have no scientific data to support that. I only know that when I walk down the street, I feel like I am surrounded by friends seen and unseen. My guides and angels flock around me and uplift me and those I encounter. I could not be more grateful. Los Angeles may call itself the City of Angels. I find that city everywhere.
More to come.